Base URL

WindyGrid base URL with appended endpoint path is available in the following environments: Production, Integration and Development. The production API endpoint is used in the documentation examples, but any environment method can be used. The resources available can be accessed using the HTTP methods POST, GET, PUT and DELETE.




HTTP Request Methods

Request Meaning in CRUD Terms
POST Create a new resource from the request data
GET Read a resource
PUT Update a resource from the request data
DELETE Delete a resource

HTTP Status Codes on Response

Return Values Description
200 (OK) Successful request or any handled exceptions. To detect a failure, look for an error object.
201 (Created) The request has succeeded, and a new resource has been created because of it. This is typically the response sent after a POST request.
204 (No Content) is returned when an object is deleted successfully (DELETE method where applicable).
401 (Unauthorized) users/token is called and authentication fails.
403 (Forbidden) Current user does not have appropriate permissions to access the requested resource. This error code is also returned when the authentication database is unavailable.
500 (Internal Server Error) Any unhandled system errors. The response body will contain details about the error. In most cases, this depends on the server infrastructure where the service is deployed the response body will be an HTML-formatted text.

Detecting failures

200 is returned for any successful request or any handled exceptions. To detect a failure, look for an error object.

  "error": {
    "code": "<error code>",
    "messsage": "<error message>"

where HTTP <error code> is a code corresponding to the error that occured and HTTP <error message> is a description of the error.