Manage Groups

Method Path Description
GET baseurl/groups Return a list of WindyGrid groups.

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
q String Filter expression to use to search against the Open Grid group repository. Pass {} (empty object) to specify ‘no filter’ or leave out this parameter altogether. It is recommended that this value be URL encoded.
n String The maximum number of records to return; If this parameter is not specified, no records are returned (i.e. default value of 0).

Sample Request{}&n=10

Or when URL encoded:

Sample Response

     "_id" : {"$oid":"55c0c620a3db5f3058630eb3"},
     "name":"WindyGrid Users",
     "description":"Group for all WindyGrid users", 
     "enabled": true,
     "functions":["Quick Search",
                  "Advanced Search"],
     "datasets": ["s311sr",


Method Path Description
POST baseurl/groups Creates a new group; returns object for newly created group, if successful.

Sample Request

Sample Response

      "groupId" : "WINDYGRID_NEWGROUP",
      "name" : "ABC GROUP",
      "description" : "ADD ABC GROUP",
      "enabled" : true,
      "functions" : [ ],
      "datasets" : [ ],
      "_id": {"$oid":"55cb6362c4aa475d78d4bc40"}

List Group Specifics

Method Path Description
GET baseurl/groups/{group_id} Return a single group given a group’s internal id.

Sample Request{"$oid": "55c0c620a3db5f3058630eb3"}

or when URL encoded:

Sample Response

       "_id": {"$oid" : "56250902a3db5f28348d3b81"},
       "groupId" : "windygrid_users",
       "name" : "WindyGrid Users",
       "description" : "Group for all WindyGrid users",
       "enabled" : true,
       "functions":["Quick Search", 
                    "Advanced Search"],

Update Groups

Method Path Description
PUT baseurl/groups/{group_id} Update a group (group-level attributes and members). Returns the updated group data, if successful.

Sample Request{"$oid":"56250902a3db5f28348d3b81"}

or when URL encoded:

Request Payload:

      "o": {"groupId":"windygridfullreal",
            "name":"WindyGrid Full Report/Real-time",
            "description":"Groups for all WindyGrid users with access to Full Reports and Real-time data",
            "functions":["Advanced Search"],

Sample Response

     "groupId" : "windygridfullreal",
     "name" : "WindyGrid Full Report/Real-time",
     "description" : "Groups for all WindyGrid users with access to Full Reports and Real-time data",
     "enabled" : true,
     "isAdmin" : false,
     "functions" : ["Advanced Search"],
     "datasets" : ["s311sr",

Delete Groups

Method Path Description
DELETE baseurl/groups/{group_id} Delete a group given the group’s internal Id on the URL path.

Sample Request{"$oid":"56250902a3db5f28348d3b81"}

or when URL encoded:$oid%22:%2256250902a3db5f28348d3b81%22%7D

Sample Response

No response is returned when a group is deleted successfully.

List Datasets

Method Path Description
GET baseurl/datasets Return a list of available datasets. The response is a JSON array of descriptors for each available dataset.

Sample Request

Sample Response

  "displayName":"311 Service Requests",
                "defaultSort":"{'when.creation_date': -1}",
                "baseClientFilter":"{ \"when.creation_date\": {\"$gte\": @m{subtract(1, 'hour')}, \"$lte\":@m{}}}"},
             "displayName":"Service Request Number",
             "displayName":"Creation Date",
             "displayName":"Type Code",
             "displayName":"Is Legacy",
             "displayName":"Origin Type",
             "displayName":"Completion Date",
             "displayName":"Work Orders",
             "displayName":"Legacy SR Number",
             "displayName":"Is Deleted",