Save Searches

A search is saved and stored in the manage queries panel and the load saved query section. Manage Queries panel is used for retrieval and editing purposes; the Load Saved Query stores the first ten saved searches created by a user. It displays the searches in a drop list, the searches are used as a time-saver for retrieving and excecuting specific searches. Manage Queries and Load Save Query are in the Existing Queries section of the find data panel.

  1. Create a query.
  2. Navigate to the "SAVE QUERY AS" section of the panel, enter and define a name for your search within the textbox.
  3. Save the search by clicking on the Save button.
  4. A successful save will return a message in the lower right corner, “Success: Query was successfully saved."

The save query textbox can hold up to 230 characters; be mindful of saving a query with reasonable character lengths. A lengthy query name can affect the visibility of the edit functions. There is an auto-complete feature that activates when a user begins entering characters in the save query as section.

When saving a search remember to define a name thats unique; if there is a duplicate name a message will appear stating that the query with following name already exists; and informs the user that continuing the save will overwrite the existing query. If Cancel is selected the original query will remain.

How to Run a Saved Query

Load Saved Query is a droplist of user-based queries. When a saved search is selected, the criteria setup will be exposed in the "Select Data", "Select Location" (optional), or auto-refresh (optional) sections. When an auto-refresh is applied to a search, as an indicator of the refresh mechanism the grid displays the keyword "Working..." with a refresh icon in blue in the middle of the map between timed intervals. Also, the query name will appear in the "SAVE QUERY AS" section of the panel.

Load Saved Query