Manage Queries

Manage Queries is a panel accessible by clicking on the manage queries link within the find data panel. The panel displays and stores all saved and modified searches created by a user.

Panel Layout

  1. Link to access saved searches created by user.
  2. Textbox searches for any saved query; filtered by exact or keyword phrases.
  3. Sort Function, order and sorts query names by ascending, descending or recently used.
  4. Query Name, displays a list of searches under specified name created and saved by user. The name is an interactive link; when selected, it opens the query in the search panel for execution.
  5. Edit functions

    • Submit
      • Runs the query from the manage queries panel.
    • Delete
      • Displays a Message “Are you sure you want to delete this query?” If Yes, the user selects the OK button; an action occurs erasing the query from the Manage Queries panel. If No, select Cancel.
  6. Search Navigation Link- Returns the user back to the Search Panel.

Manage Queries Panel